A mostly complete list of the Comics works of Jack Kirby.
Publishers A-Z
A Publishers
- 12-Gauge Comics
- 215 Ink
- A-Plus Comics
- A.D. Vision
- A.M. Works
- AAA Pop
- Aardvark-Vanaheim
- Abstract Studios
- AC Comics
- Acclaim Comics
Action Lab Entertainment
- Action Lab: Dog of Wonder
- Actionverse
- Adventures of Miru
- Albert Einstein: Time Mason
- Beyond the Western Deep
- Blue Hour
- Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla
- Hero Cats
- Kid Sherlock
- Miraculous
- NFL Rush Zone: Super Bowl Special
- Nutmeg
- Peter David's Artful
- Princeless
- Seafoam: Friend for Madison
- Stray
- Sweetie
- Zoe Dare Vs The Disasteroid
- Active Images
- Adhouse Books
- ADV Manga
- Adventure Publications Comics
- Aeon Press
- AfterShock Comics
- Ahoy Comics
- Aircel Publishing
- Alias Enterprises, LLC
- All-American Comics
- Alterna Comics
- Alternative Comics
- Amalgam Comics
- Amaze Ink/Slave Labor Graphics
- Amazing Publishing
- America's Best Comics
- American Comics Group
- Anarchy Studios
- Antarctic Press
- Ape Entertainment
- Apple Comics
- Archaia Studios Press
- Archangel Studios
- Archie Comics Group
- Aspen MLT Inc.
- Astonish Comics
- Astro Comics
- Atlantis Studios
- Atlas
- Atlas / Seaboard
- Authentic Comics
- Avatar Press
- Awesome Entertainment
B Publisher
- Bandai Entertainment
- Basement/Amryl Entertainment
- Beckett Entertainment
- Big Bang Comics
- Big City Comics
- Black Bull Entertainment
- Black Mask Studios
- Blackball Comics
- Blacklist
- BlackOut Comics
- Blackthorne Publishing
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Blue Inferno Comics
- Blue Juice Comics
- Bongo Comics
- BOOM! Box
- BOOM! Kids
BOOM! Studios
- Abbott
- Abbott: 1973
- Alienated
- Angel
- Basilisk
- Big Trouble in Little China
- Black Market
- Blood Bowl: Killer Contract
- BOOM! Box: 2015 Mix Tape
- BRZRKR (Berzerker)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Free Comic Book Day 2022: 25 Years of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Cursed Pirate Girl
- Cursed Pirate Girl: The Devil's Cave
- Dark Blood
- Day Men: Pen & Ink
- Death be Damned
- Deathmatch
- Eat the Rich
- Extermination
- Faithless
- Fanboys vs Zombies
- Firefly
- Firefly: Brand New 'Verse
- Firefly: Holiday Special
- Folklords
- Freelancers
- George Perez's Sirens: Pen & Ink
- Getting Dizzy
- Giant Days: As Time Goes By
- Goldie Vance
- Good Luck
- Grass Kings
- Higher Earth
- Hypernaturals
- Jeremiah Harm
- Jonesy
- Joyride
- Judas
- Kennel Block Blues
- Klaus and the Crying Snowman
- Klaus and the Life and Times of Joe Christmas
- The Last Witch
- Lumberjanes
- Magic (MTG)
- Magic: Master Of Metal
- Mamo
- The Many Deaths of Laila Starr
- Mech Cadet Yu
- Mega Man: Fully Charged
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Namesake
- Once & Future
- Origins
- Planet of the Apes: Cataclysm
- Power Rangers
- Regarding the Matter of Oswald's Body
- RoboCop: Hominem Ex Machina
- Ronin Island
- Save Yourself
- Seven Secrets
- Sleepy Hollow
- Sleepy Hollow: Origins
- Smooth Criminals
- Snow Blind
- Something Is Killing The Children
- Sons of Anarchy
- Specter Inspectors
- Starborn
- Steed and Mrs. Peel: We're Needed
- Strange Fruit
- Strange Skies Over East Berlin
- We Only Find Them When They're Dead
- WWE: Attitude Era 2018 Special
- WWE: Then, Now, Forever
- WWE: NXT Takeover - The Blueprint
- Wynd
- Wild's End
- Bravura Comics
- Broadway Comics
C Publisher
- Caliber Comics
- Cartoon Books
- Cauldron Comics
- Chaos! Comics
- Charlton Comics
- CMX / Flex Manga
- Colburn Comics
- Com.X Limited
- Comico
- Comics Conspiracy
- Continuity Comics
- Counterpoint Entertainment
- CrossGen
- Crusade Comics
- Crystal Publications
- Cult Press
- Curtis Comic Inc
D Publisher
- D.B.I.
- Dabel Brothers Productions (of Marvel)
- Dagger Comics
- Dakuwaka Productions
- Danger Zone (Action Lab)
- Dark Circle Comics (Imprint of Archie Comics)
- Dark Gift Comics
Dark Horse Comics
- Abe Sapien: The Drowning
- Alabaster: Pale Horse
- Alabaster: Wolves
- Aliens
- Ancient Joe
- Angel & Faith
- Archie vs Predator
- Avatar: The Last Airbender / Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- B.P.R.D.
- Babe
- Badger
- Battle Gods: Warriors of the Chaak
- Blade of the Immortal
- Boris the Bear
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Catalyst: Agents of Change
- Chunchu Genocide Fiend
- Comics' Greatest World
- Conan
- Concrete
- Dark Horse Comics
- Dark Horse Comics: Tip Sheet
- Dark Horse Insider
- Dark Horse Presents
- Dungeon Siege: Battle for Aranna
- Enemy
- Fear Agent
- Floaters
- Frank Miller's Sin City: Big Fat Kill
- Grendel
- The Guild
- Gunsmith Cats: Mister V
- Halo: Initiation
- Hellboy: The Seed of Destruction
- Insane
- Ironhand of Almuric
- John Byrne's Next Men
- Juice Squeezers
- Lux & Alby: Sign On and Save the Universe
- Madman Comics
- Mae
- The Mask Returns
- The Massive
- The Mighty Skullboy Army
- Mind MGMT
- Mystery Girl
- Oh My Goddess
- Orion
- The Paybacks
- The Perhapanauts
- Planet of the Apes
- Predator: Bad Blood
- Rapture
- Rebel Sword
- Redblade
- Ring of Roses
- RoboCop vs Terminator
- Rocket Comics: Ignite
- The Rocketeer Adventure Magazine
- S.H.O.O.T. First
- The Safest Place in the World
- Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64 - Leaves on the Wind
- Shadow Empires: Faith Conquers
- Silke
- Species
- StarCraft: Soldiers
- Sugarshock
- The Tale of One Bad Rat
- Tarzan
- The Tenth: Resurrected
- Terminal Point
- Terminator
- Trigun
- The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion
- Usagi Yojimbo: Senso
- Vandroid
- Veil
- Venus Wars
- The Victories
- Wacky Squirrel
- What's Michael?
- The Young Cynics Club
- Darkline Comics
- DC Black Label
DC Comics
- DC Minis, Oneshots, Tpbs
- 1st Issue Special
- 52 (Weekly Series)
- Action Comics
- Adam Strange
- Adventure Comics
- Adventures of Superman
- All Flash
- All Star Comics
- All-Star Squadron
- All-Star Western
- Atom
- Ambush Bug
- Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld
- Angel and the Ape
- Animal Man
- Animaniacs
- Aquaman
- Aquaman Minis
- Arak: Son of Thunder
- Arion
- Azrael
- Bat Lash
- Batgirl
- Batgirls
- Batman
- Batman Minis
- Batman / Superman
- Batman Adventures
- Batman and the Outsiders
- Batman Beyond
- Batman: Eternal
- Batman: Europa
- Batman: Gotham Knights
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- Batman: Shadow of the Bat
- Batwing
- Batwoman
- Thunderbolt
- Kamandi
- Legion of Super-Heroes Minis
- Green Arrow Minis
- Super-Man
- Midnighter and Apollo
- Suicide Squad Minis
- Flash
- Joker
- Titans Minis
- Year of the Villain
- Future State Minis
- Green Lantern Minis
- House of Secrets
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Justice League Minis
- Justice Society
- JSA Minis
- Beowulf
- Birds of Prey
- Black Adam
- Black Canary
- Black Condor
- Black Lightning
- Black Manta
- Black Mask: Year of the Villain
- Blackhawk
- Blood Syndicate: Season One
- Blue & Gold
- Blue Beetle
- Blue Devil
- Booster Gold
- Brave and the Bold
- Brightest Day
- Camelot 3000
- Captain Atom
- Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew
- Catwoman
- Catwoman Minis
- Cave Carson has an Interstellar Eye
- Challengers of the Unknown
- Chase
- Checkmate
- Claw the Unconquered
- Constantine
- Convergence Minis
- Countdown
- Creature Commandos
- Dark Crisis
- Dark Nights Metal
- DC Comics Presents
- DC Nation
- DC Super-Stars
- Dceased
- Deadman
- Wonder Woman Minis
- Deathstroke
- Detective Comics
- Dial H
- Doc Savage
- Doctor Fate
- Doom Patrol
- DragonLance
- Earth 2
- Final Crisis
- Superman Minis
- New 52: Futures End and One-shots
- Firebrand
- Firestorm
- Flashpoint
- Forever Evil
- Forever People
- Forgotten Realms
- Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
- Freedom Fighters
- From Beyond the Unknown
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern
- Green Lantern Corps
- Gunfire
- Guy Gardner
- H-E-R-O
- Harley Quinn
- Hawk and Dove
- Hawkman
- Hawkworld
- Hitman
- House of Mystery
- Huntress
- Impulse
- Infinity Inc.
- Infinity Man and the Forever People
- Isis
- Johnny Thunder
- Jonah Hex
- Judge Dredd: Legends of the Law
- Justice
- Justice Inc.
- Justice League
- Kingdom Come
- Legends of the DC Universe
- Legion of Super-Heroes
- Lobo
- Lois Lane
- Looney Tunes
- Manhunter
- Martian Manhunter
- Men of War
- Metal Men
- Midnighter
- Mister Miracle
- Monkey Prince
- My Greatest Adventure
- Mystery in Space
- National Comics
- New Gods
- New Talent Showcase
- Night Force
- Nightwing
- Our Fighting Forces
- Outsiders
- Peacemaker
- The Phantom
- Pinky and the Brain
- Plastic Man
- Plop!
- Poison Ivy
- Prez
- Psyba-Rats
- The Question
- Ragman
- The Ravagers
- The Ray
- Red Hood
- Red Lanterns
- Rima the Jungle Girl
- Robin
- Scooby-Doo
- Secret Origins
- Secret Six
- Secrets of Haunted House
- Sgt. Rock
- The Shadow
- Shazam!
- Showcase
- Sovereign Seven
- Spectre
- The Spirit
- Star Spangled War Stories
- Star-Spangled Comics
- Starman
- Steel
- Stormwatch
- Strange Adventures
- Sugar & Spike
- Suicide Squad
- Super Friends
- Super Sons
- Superboy
- Supergirl
- Superman
- Superman / Batman
- Swamp Thing
- Titans
- Tomahawk
- Trinity
- Unexpected
- Unknown Soldier
- Vigilante
- World's Finest Comics
- Worlds' Finest
- Young Justice
- Young Romance Comics
- DC's Young Animal
- Defiant
- Del Rey Books
- Dell Publishing Co.
Devil's Due Publishing
- Arkworld
- Army of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes
- Army of Darkness: Shop Till You Drop Dead
- Black Harvest
- Breakdown
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
- Lark's Killer
- Megacity909
- Mercy Sparx
- Misplaced
- Mu
- The Odd Squad
- Radiskull & Devil Doll: Super Summer-Fun Special
- Trailer Park Boys: Get a F***ing Comic Book
- Voltron: Defender of the Universe
- Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons
- Digital Webbing
- Disney Comics
- Double Take
- Drawn & Quarterly Publications
- Dream Catcher Press
- Dreamwave
Dynamite Entertainment
- Barbarella
- Battlestar Galactica
- Boo: The World's Cutest Dog
- The Boys
- Dark Shadows
- Dejah Thoris
- Django / Zorro
- Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist
- Green Hornet
- Grumpy Cat
- Kirby: Genesis
- Legendary Talespinners
- Man with No Name
- The Owl
- Pathfinder: Worldscape
- Project Superpowers
- Red Sonja
- The Shadow
- Sheena: Queen of the Jungle
- Solar, Man of the Atom
- The Sovereigns
- Swordquest
- Turok
- Voltron
E Publisher
- Eagle Comics
Eclipse Comics
- Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters in 3-D
- Airboy
- Area 88
- Aztec Ace
- Crossfire
- DNAgents
- Fearbook
- Fusion
- Hotspur
- The Liberty Project
- Mai, the Psychic Girl
- Miracleman
- Mr. Monster's Super-Duper Special
- The New DNAgents
- Nightmare
- Revenge of the Prowler
- Sabre
- Samurai: Son of Death
- The Spiral Path
- Star Reach Classics
- Swords of Texas
- Tales of the Beanworld
- Valkyrie!
- Whodunnit?
- Zot!
- Xenon
- Elite Comics
- Elsewhere Publications
- Endless Horizons Entertainment
- Entity Comics
Epic Comics
- Alien Legion
- Alien Legion: Binary Deep
- Doctor Zero
- Dragon Lines
- Dreadlands
- Dreadstar
- Elektra: Assassin
- The Elsewhere Prince
- Feud
- Groo the Wanderer
- Gun Theory
- Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown
- Lance Barnes: Post Nuke Dick
- Lawdog
- Midnight Men
- Mutatis
- Psychonauts
- Sisterhood of Steel
- Six from Sirius
- Starstruck
- Tomorrow Knights
- The Trouble with Girls: Night of the Lizard
- Video Jack
- Wild Cards
- Eternal Studios
- Eternity Comics
- Event Comics
- Explorer Press
F Publisher
G Publisher
H Publisher
- Harrier Comics
- Harris Comics
Harvey Publications
- Harvey Hits
- Little Dot
- Little Dot's Uncles & Aunts
- Little Lotta
- Playful Little Audrey
- Richie Rich: Cash
- Richie Rich: Diamonds
- Richie Rich: Dollars & Cents
- Richie Rich: Jackpots
- Richie Rich: Money World
- Richie Rich: Riches
- Richie Rich: Success Stories
- Sad Sack and the Sarge
- Sad Sack Comics
- Sad Sack USA
- Sad Sack's Army Life Parade
- Sad Sack's Funny Friends
- Sad Sack: Fun Around the World
- Sad Sack: Laugh Special
- Sad Sack: Navy - Gobs 'n' Gals
- Sad Sad Sack World
- Saturday Morning NBComics
- Helikon Comics
- Helix (of DC Comics)
- Hermes Press
- Hero Comics Hero Graphics
- HeyCat Comics
- Homage Comics
- Hot Comics
- Hurricane Entertainment
- Hyperwerks Comics
I Publisher
- I Box Publishing
- Icon
IDW Publishing
- Angel: After the Fall
- Angel: Scriptbook
- Batman / The Maxx: Arkham Dreams
- The Cape
- Care Bears: Unlock the Magic
- Clue
- Clue: Candlestick
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dying in the Gutters
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Thicker Than Blood
- Dampyr
- Danger Girl: Trinity
- Deadworld: War of the Dead
- Demi-God
- Disney's Tangled: The Series - Hair It Is
- Doctor Who
- Doctor Who: A Fairytale Life
- Doctor Who: Forgotten
- Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time
- Donald Duck
- Dungeons & Dragons: At the Spine of the World
- Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish
- G.I. Joe
- Ghost Whisperer
- Ghostbusters
- Go-Bots
- Goosebumps: Secrets of the Swamp
- Grimjack: Killer Instinct
- Hasbro Heroes: Sourcebook
- IDW: Spring Catalog 2015
- Infestation 2
- KISS Solo
- Locke & Key
- Marvel Action Classics: Hulk
- Marvel Action: Black Panther
- Marvel Action: Chillers
- Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty
- My Little Pony: Feats of Friendship
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- My Little Pony: Halloween ComicFest
- My Little Pony: Holiday Special
- My Little Pony: Spirit of the Forest
- Night of 1,000 Wolves
- Onyx
- Orphan Black
- Popeye
- Rick and Morty vs Dungeons & Dragons
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Sound Off
- Road Rage
- ROM vs Transformers: Shining Armor
- ROM: Dire Wraiths
- ROM: Tales of the Solstar Order
- Samurai Jack: Lost Worlds
- Secret Skull
- The Shield Spotlight
- The Shrinking Man
- Silent Hill: Dying Inside
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Spike: After the Fall
- Star Trek / Green Lantern
- Star Trek Voyager: Seven's Reckoning
- Star Trek: 50th Anniversary Cover Celebration
- Star Trek: Boldly Go
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Too Long a Sacrifice
- Star Trek: Discovery - The Light of Kahless
- Star Trek: Klingons - Blood Will Tell
- Star Trek: The Mirror War
- Star Trek: The Next Generation - Hive
- Star Trek: Next Generation - Terra Incognita
- Star Trek: Next Generation - Through the Mirror
- Star Trek: Year Five
- Street Fighter x G.I. Joe
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Bebop & Rocksteady - Hit the Road
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Dimension X
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Free Comic Book Day
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika II
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Microseries - Villains
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends
- Transformers
- Transformers vs G.I. Joe
- Transformers vs Terminator
- Transformers vs Visionaries
- Transformers: Beast Wars
- Transformers: Galaxies
- Transformers: Infiltration
- Transformers: King Grimlock
- Transformers: Lost Light
- Transformers: Stormbringer
- Transformers: Unicron
- Usagi Yojimbo
- Vitriol the Hunter
- We Will Bury You
- X-Files
- Yo-Kai Watch
- Magic The Gathering
Image Comics
- 1963
- Supreme
- 21
- 8House
- Allegra
- The Alliance
- Angela
- Angelic
- Magic Order
- Aria
- Aria Anacleto Sketchbook
- Aria: The Soul Market
- Athena Inc.: The Manhunter Project
- Auntie Agatha's Home for Wayward Rabbits
- Backlash
- Badrock and Company
- Ballistic: Imagery
- Bastard Samurai
- Birthright
- Black & White
- Black Flag
- BlackAcre
- Bloodstrike
- Bone
- Boof
- Brigade
- CBLDF Presents: Liberty
- Chapel
- Cholly and Flytrap
- Copperhead
- Creed: Utopiate
- Crosswind
- Curse of the Spawn
- Cyberforce
- Cyberforce: Origins
- Cyblade / Shi: Battle for Independents
- Dark Fang
- Darker Image
- Darkminds
- Dead@17
- Death of Love
- Deathblow
- Deathblow / Wolverine
- Descender
- Dominion
- Double Image
- Dry County
- DV8 vs Black Ops
- EGOs
- Electropolis
- Excellence
- Fall Out: Toy Works
- Family Trade
- Feather
- Felon
- Fire from Heaven
- Five Ghosts
- Frank Frazetta's Dark Kingdom
- Freak Force
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - Frontline
- Gen 12
- Gen 13
- Gen 13 / The Maxx
- The Micronauts
- Gen 13: Ordinary Heroes
- Gen 13: The Unreal World
- Gen 13 Bootleg
- God Hates Astronauts
- Grifter / Badrock
- Groo
- Guardian Angel
- Haunt
- Hawaiian Dick
- Hawaiian Dick: The Last Resort
- Hazard
- Hellcop
- Hellshock
- Horizon
- Howtoons (Re)Ignition
- Huck
- Images of Shadowhawk
- Inside Image
- Invincible
- Jupiter's Legacy
- Kaptara
- Killer of Demons
- Kindred
- Kore
- Moonstruck
- Sovereign
- Low
- Kingsman: The Red Diamond
- Lady Pendragon
- Leave it to Chance
- Lions, Tigers & Bears
- Madman Comics
- Maestros
- Maggie the Cat
- Manhattan Projects
- Marksmen
- MaxiMage
- The Maxx
- Medieval Spawn / Witchblade
- The Messenger
- Millarworld
- Misplaced
- Mythstalkers
- Nailbiter
- Nameless
- Neon Cyber
- New Men
- Newman
- The Nine Rings of Wu-Tang
- Normalman / Megaton Man Special
- Obergeist: Ragnarok Highway
- Outcast
- The Pact
- Parts Unknown: Hostile Takeover
- Peter Panzerfaust
- Phantom Guard
- Pitt
- Pretty Deadly
- Primordial
- Prophet
- The Realm
- Realm of the Claw
- Red Star
- Regulators
- Ripclaw
- Saga
- Sam and Twitch
- Satellite Sam
- The Savage Dragon
- The Savage Dragon vs The Savage Megaton Man
- Saviors
- Shadowhawk
- Shadowhawk Gallery
- Shadowhawk II
- Shadowhawk III
- Shadowhawk Special
- Shaman's Tears
- Shattered Image
- Sheltered
- Sidekick
- Sigma
- Snotgirl
- SnowFall
- Soulwind
- Southern Cross
- Spartan: Warrior Spirit
- Spawn (See Also Todd Mcfarlane Comics For Main Series)
- Splitting Image
- Stan Winston's Trakk: Monster Hunter
- Starlight
- Starve
- Stormwatch
- Strikeback!
- SuperPatriot
- Supreme
- The Surface
- Sword of Damocles
- Team 7
- Team Youngblood
- Trencher
- Tribe
- Tsunami Girl
- Turf
- Undiscovered Country
- Union
- Vanguard
- The Vault
- Velvet
- Victory
- Violator vs Badrock
- The Violent
- Violent Messiahs
- Vogue
- Void Trip
- The Walking Dead
- Warlands
- Wayward
- Weapon Zero
- Weasel Guy: Road Trip
- Wetworks
- Whispers
- WildC.A.T.s
- WildC.A.T.S Adventures Sourcebook
- WildC.A.T.S Sourcebook
- WildCats Trilogy
- Wildstar: Sky Zero
- Wildstorm Rising
- Wildstorm Sampler
- Youngblood
- Youngblood: Strikefile
- Zero
- Image Comics Minis, Maxis and One-Shots
- Impact Comics
- Imperial Comics
- Inferno Studios
- Innovation Publishing
- J Publisher
K Publisher
- L Publisher
M Publisher
Malibu Comics
- The All New Exiles
- Battlezones: Dream Team 2
- Break-Thru
- Breed
- Curse of Rune
- Dreadstar
- Ex-Mutants
- Ferret
- Firearm
- Foxfire
- Freex
- Hardcase
- Lord Pumpkin / Necromantra
- The Man Called A-X
- Man of War
- Mantra
- Mantra: Infinity
- Night Man
- The Phoenix Resurrection
- The Phoenix Resurrection: Genesis
- Phoenix Resurrection: Revelations
- Prime
- Protectors
- Prototype
- Rune
- Rune vs Venom
- Siren
- Sludge
- Solitaire
- Solution
- The Strangers
- Tarzan the Warrior
- Ultraforce
- Ultraverse Exiles
- Warstrike
Marvel Comics
- Marvel Mini
- A+X (Plus)
- Alien
- Alpha Flight
- Amazing Spider-Man
- Ant-Man
- Avengers
- Avengers Mini
- Battlestar Galactica
- Black Cat
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Blade
- The 'Nam
- The Brotherhood
- Cable
- Captain America
- Captain Britain and MI13
- Captain Marvel
- Champions
- Civil War
- Conan the Barbarian
- Daredevil
- Darkhawk
- Dazzler
- Deadpool
- Death's Head
- Deathlok
- Defenders
- Doctor Doom
- Doctor Strange
- Elektra
- Eternals
- Excalibur
- Exiles
- Fantastic Four
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
- Gambit
- X-Men Mini
- Generation X
- Ghost Rider
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Hawkeye
- Hellcat
- Hercules
- Hulk
- Human Fly
- Infinity Series
- Inhumans
- Iron Man
- Jessica Jones
- Journey into Mystery
- Ka-Zar
- Kingpin
- Loki
- Machine Man
- Magneto
- Marauders
- Marvel Age
- Marvel Super-Heroes
- Marvel Tales
- Marvel Team-Up
- What If
- Marvel Two-in-One
- Marvels
- Micronauts
- Midnight Sons Unlimited
- Mighty Avengers
- Moon Knight
- Morbius the Living Vampire
- Ms. Marvel
- Mutant X
- Namor
- New Avengers
- New Mutants
- New Warriors
- New X-Men
- Nick Fury
- Nightstalkers
- Nomad
- Nova
- Power Man and Iron Fist
- Punisher
- Quasar
- Ravage 2099
- Rawhide Kid
- The Ren & Stimpy Show
- Runaways
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Sabretooth
- Secret Avengers
- Secret Wars
- Sensational Spider-Man
- Shang-Chi
- She-Hulk
- Silver Sable and the Wild Pack
- Silver Surfer
- Sleepwalker
- Spectacular Spider-Man
- Spider-Girls
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 2099
- Spider-Woman
- Storm
- Strange Tales
- Tales to Astonish
- Thanos
- Thor
- Thunderbolts
- Thunderstrike
- U.S.Agent
- U.S.Avengers
- Uncanny Avengers
- Uncanny X-Men
- Venom
- Vision and the Scarlet Witch
- War Machine
- Warlock
- Weapon X
- Web of Spider-Man
- Werewolf by Night
- West Coast Avengers
- Winter Soldier
- Wolverine
- Wolverine and the X-Men
- X-Factor
- X-Force
- X-Man
- X-Men
- X-Men 2099
- X-Men Adventures
- X-Men Blue
- X-Men Classic
- X-Men Gold
- X-Men Red
- X-Men Unlimited
- X-Men: Legacy
- X-Nation 2099
- X-Statix
- X-Termination
- X-Treme X-Men
- Marvel Edge
- Marvel Illustrated
- Marvel Knights
- Marvel UK
- Matrix Graphic Series
- MAX Comics
- Maximum Press
- Mayhem Comics
- MBS Publishing
- MC2
- Mella Art World
- Metro Comics
- Midnight Press
- Milestone (of DC Comics)
- Millennium Publishing
- Mirage Studios
- Monster Comics
Malibu Comics
N Publisher
O Publisher
P Publisher
- Q Publisher
R Publisher
S Publisher
- S.Q. Productions (Imprint of Fleetway AP/IPC)
- Scout Comics
- Second 2 Some
- Seven Seas Entertainment
- Shojo Beat Manga
- Shonen Jump Manga
- Silverwolf Comics
- Sirius Entertainment
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T Publisher
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- Jing: King of Bandits
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U Publisher
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V Publisher
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